The cashier extinguisher

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
4,812 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This dude gets popped in the face big time by some people trying to rob his store. The guy that gets hit by the fire extinguisher is a pretty big dude but he drops like a sack of wet mud whe... Show more

  • boredshitless July 17, 2009

    i live right down the road from this store literally i go there everyday

  • joi August 2, 2007

    nice shot!

  • skull13 July 25, 2007

    HOLY SHIT! That's High Point N.C.. I live in Pa. but, I'm from that area. The news anchor is Neil McNeill from channel 8 news,kool dude but, the whitest muther fucker on the face planet. I used to work at the car wash he brought his car to. Fucker would wear shorts & blind the fuck out of you!! I often wondered what the hell his parents were thinking when they named him too. That clerk found a new kind of hurt too!!

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