Who says nuclear power can't be fun! After we are finished using all of the power available in the plant we can have huge celebrations and count down the explosion of the plant like some kin...Who says nuclear power can't be fun! After we are finished using all of the power available in the plant we can have huge celebrations and count down the explosion of the plant like some kind of birthday party.
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hey 2stink i got your racially challenged right here fucked meat.2fists in your fucking stink pulling out you gawdam inerds shit weed.
Jesus chuck lighten the fuck up. What are you anyway, a nuclear engineer or madbasturd's mother in-law?
madbasturd wrote:
chernobyl started like this.. only the fuckwits forgot to turn it off first
please no wtf ur talkin about b4 u talk. chernobyl was a safety test gone wrong. then the plant blew it roof off the reactor. u fuckwit