This work a little differently in Iraq when you are directing traffic. Considering the fact that you don't know when the next car bomb is gonna come rolling by it's no suprise they threaten ...This work a little differently in Iraq when you are directing traffic. Considering the fact that you don't know when the next car bomb is gonna come rolling by it's no suprise they threaten to shoot you in the face if you come close to them.
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change the speed cameras to speed guns, but here’s a trick for ya, paint your girls titie rings that surround the nippile with maskara or lipstick paint and watch your dick skyrocket.
change the speed cameras to speed guns, but here’s a trick for ya, paint your girls titie rings that surround the nippile with maskara or lipstick paint and watch your dick skyrocket.
Bring this guy here for these crazy young city drivers.This will keep them in check.
dont need speed cameras in iraq. just a quick shot to the head will slow u down