Ashes to Ashes, your ass is dust

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
14,469 Views 1 decade ago War

I can't imagine being chased down by one of these apache helicopters. Unless you got some kinda secret bunker your ass is toast. They just let you run around for a little while to make you f... Show more

  • unknown August 22, 2010

    Shit everything is on credit from china anyway.

  • commoneagle September 27, 2007

    oppps gots sum mistooks in my bitch above damn crapshit farturds I must be gettin old... back to school i must go.... oh some one made a comment don't know if it was serious about where the one shot one kill when... that applies to their so called smart weapons not the fifty cal which this machine likely is... have a nice day, week, month,year, decade, century, and if you can get past that mark you will be as old as me.. I am like dirt.. very old dirt... ha ha he ha o boy thta commonbeagle is ramblin like a fool again and taking up so much space on crazyshit someone is bound to get mad... so be it get in a tizzie now and spout your mouth bout sompin i said and guess what... I won't be back... to this spot and so i wont see it... whoopee doo. i love crazy shit and i don't know why... stranger than you i bet.. whomever you are... that was funny...

  • commoneagle September 27, 2007

    joecommonsense wrote:

    ^^your absolutely full oh shit

    ...............................pickin on joe... it is You're full of shit... your implies a possession of some sort... as it your gun... or weapon as the case may be.... anyhowway this is for all the dickheads that get so pissie about my spelling and grammar calling me a dumb ass well i bet i be a hole bunch smrater dan you is cracker ass white boys and of girls who bitch about mine fukin grammar.... I graduated college not ever haveing a quarte with out being either presidents honnor role of deans list so off fuck

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