Karma is a bitch

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
9,087 Views 1 decade ago Funny

This dude must have been some kind of theif in a past lifetime because it seems like he has some bad karma to workout. How else would you explain him getting his radio stolen after he comple... Show more

  • commoneagle September 28, 2007

    drdumb wrote:

    serves him right! first....................................................professor stupid how the hell does dr dumb figure it serves this guy right.. by dr dumb picked the right handle.

  • vpyrovetw September 26, 2007

    Watch this clip twice. At first its just a funny occurance. The second time you'll notice how messed up it is. notice the guy whos about to steal his radio applauds the yogamans efforts. What a dick. A funny dick who had me in tears but a dick nonetheless

  • joecommonsense September 25, 2007

    if that were me taking the radio, i'd grab the radio, take about ten steps back towards the crowd, and go for three.

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