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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
6,996 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

I can't think of a better way to show a girl you like her than to subject her to a flash knockout. It's great because when she is delirious from the concussion you can convince her you guys ... Show more

  • joecommonsense September 29, 2007

    i just looked at the clip again, its on a football field and they're lined up like football and they're throwing a frisbee around, I'd call it a bunch of crackheads playing frisbee football instead of a bunch of hippies playing ultimate.

  • joecommonsense September 29, 2007

    that was the 60's man, now its called frisbee football, i know because i played it too, and that's what its called we didn't call it ultimate. you line up just like a football team and throw the frisbee around, hmmm frisbee football, sounds about right to me. do you call crackheads hippies too?

  • bladezzz September 29, 2007

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