The Mascot

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
6,859 Views 1 decade ago Animals

What better animal to be the mascot than something that looks like a turd with four legs. Even better it drops huge loads in its bath water. If that's not CrazyShitness I don't... Show more

  • commoneagle October 8, 2007

    doobie is stuck on dumb still saying gay....

    this hypo poo in the pool is another sweet job for Mike Rowe from dirty jobs... yep right up his alley. they on the show joke a lot about poo as they fondly call shit. If you don't know what i am talking about it is a discovery channel program. It is one of many informative show that have come about in recent years that beat the hell out of all the crap on tv crap like the mindless murder shows and shows with other useless violence shown when here in the usa anyway we can't even show a tit with out someone tossing a fit what is wrong wit it... society in general i mean wtf is wrong with humans in the broad perspective it is no wonder the aliens whom are surly monitoring our activities don't let there presence be widely known.. people would freek out without a doubt freek out.. yep without a doubt... well shit maybe room for some doubt but I've already written too much and am likely freaking some petty person out by putting too much up before they droll little eyes and now I'm offending them with more than their short little attention spans can tolerate... how's that for a bunch of crazyshit talk now boys and girls...

  • crusaderrabbit October 7, 2007

    The little kid going "Ewwww!" was priceless. Yes, kid, that's real Nature for you. Next time the parents try to take the kid to the zoo I bet he takes a rain check on it.

  • crusaderrabbit October 7, 2007

    Haha he let it go then jetted to the other side of the pool like "Who, me? I didn't do it!"

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