Two SAPD officers responded to a call for a shooting in progress. Upon arriving, witnesses directed the officers to the suspect, who was still in the park. As the officers approached, the su...Two SAPD officers responded to a call for a shooting in progress. Upon arriving, witnesses directed the officers to the suspect, who was still in the park. As the officers approached, the suspect stood up, pointed a handgun at his head, then pointed it at the officers and fired. After a short foot chase, the suspect was apprehended, and the handgun he threw to the ground was recovered. Raul Arzola has been charged with two counts of Aggravated Assault on a Public Servant and three counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon for firing towards civilians in the park.
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Fords commercials are back to being manly,.....I'd buy a ford after watching this.
Women cops... Nuff said.
Stormtrooper level accuracy