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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
7,891 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

There must be something in the human genetic code that makes me wanna watch videos of people on motorcycles getting hit all day long. I think it has to do with the way the people spin in the... Show more

  • rush October 31, 2007

    Right on hatedogs!!...snagglepussy..lol...

  • joecommonsense October 31, 2007

    pablsdog im going off greg j's comment of motorcycles getting hit, the motorcycle hit the car and the car was at fault for running a red light.

  • hatedogs October 30, 2007

    "snaggletooth wrote:

    BEEN RIDING SINCE I WAS 18 (45 NOW) AND IF YOU THINK THIS SHIT IS FUNNY STOP BY MY PLACE" Fuck you snagglepussy: I've been riding nearly twice as long as you have and I think it's funny -- it's funny because so many of you asshole newbie riders still that the cages are gonna look out for your stupid fucking ass. And as far as stopping by your shithole goes, no thank you please: Mexican trailer parks ain't my thing. Pekin, IL??? Lake Michigan hangs down like a diseased scrotum and Pekin is just about where the puss from a limp dick would fall. Next time I fly into O'Hare, I'll take a shit right over Pekin so all your kids will have something to eat. You wheelchair bound, bubbling pot of shit.

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