You know this guy is fucked in the first three seconds when his car starts to wobble before he hits the ramp. That jump is so long he probably wouldn't of made it no matter how he jumped. At...You know this guy is fucked in the first three seconds when his car starts to wobble before he hits the ramp. That jump is so long he probably wouldn't of made it no matter how he jumped. At least he made this entertaining video in the process.
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hahaha He'll b feelin that 4 the next few weeks.
Luv the song..METALLICA ROX!
Hey gophkyrslf...
Y dont ya do wat ya name suggests & GO FUK YASELF!?
FORDS KIK ASS!!!!!!!!!!
Eat shit fukr!
...then i'll give your ford to a homeless man to squander in.
i gotta 9 second camaro that'll eat any of your faggot fords. put pinks on it...