The ongoing debate surrounding women serving in combat roles within the US military has reached new heights, fueled by a video capturing an altercation between a male and female cadet. Suppo...The ongoing debate surrounding women serving in combat roles within the US military has reached new heights, fueled by a video capturing an altercation between a male and female cadet. Supporters argue for gender equality and the removal of barriers, while critics claim that lowered standards and policies implemented under Democratic leadership have compromised military effectiveness. In this thought-provoking video, witness a controversial incident where a female cadet is easily pushed over during a training exercise. The ensuing confrontation showcases her determination, yet raises questions about physical differences and combat readiness. This incident has become a focal point for those advocating against women serving in frontline positions
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Both of my sons (oldest: Army-surface to air missile defense, youngest: Marine-satellite communications) said basic was a lot easier than they expected and that they wouldn't trust their lives in the hands of half of their fellow soldiers/marines. Most are just there because the recruiter told them they could get a free college education. They both expected a challenge but were disappointed because of how easy it was.
what kind of idiot falls down on purpose??
Both of my sons (oldest: Army-surface to air missile defense, youngest: Marine-satellite communications) said basic was a lot easier than they expected and that they wouldn't trust their lives in the hands of half of their fellow soldiers/marines. Most are just there because the recruiter told them they could get a free college education. They both expected a challenge but were disappointed because of how easy it was.
The only job at the base she is good for is the kitchen or sucking the soldiers dicks.