One of the worst parts about high speed chases is that innocent people wind up getting hurt. That's why in some places they don't even allow you to pursue the car. Use the friggin helicopter...One of the worst parts about high speed chases is that innocent people wind up getting hurt. That's why in some places they don't even allow you to pursue the car. Use the friggin helicopters and it might prevent some roadkill like this.
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the guy on the bike was running, he was getting pulled over for running a red light. the cop purposly hit him. he was in the hospital for over a week and his pasinger was also seriously hurt
the guy on the bike was running, he was getting pulled over for running a red light. the cop purposly hit him. he was in the hospital for over a week and his pasinger was also seriously hurt
fuck muthafuckin cops that do shyt like that! people riding bikes get no credit and no repect out there on the road!
I know those big flashing red and blue lights are hard to miss in the dark..........what a dipshit