Can you spell machete?

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
16,812 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

It starts with an M and ends with blood and body parts everywhere. I don't think there is any good way to die by machete. Maybe just ask them to be quick about hacking your limbs off.

  • powerlifter December 28, 2008

    why is it that every murder or suicide they have on here,they are half or completly naked. and was the 2nd dude wearing a thong.

  • sfman April 23, 2008

    Wasn't hacking them to death enough? Did you have to humiliate them by putting them in bikini underwear on top of it?

  • onlinepredator December 18, 2007

    Thats a vicious Mach 3, time to go back to the one with the goo

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