An honorable death

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
10,096 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Unlike American cultures, where honor is something you pretend to have while devising a plan to destroy your opponent, Japanese cultures value it above all else. That's why it's puzzling you... Show more

  • english666 May 26, 2009


  • jowsta December 29, 2007

    Fuck, this shits simple to figure out. Dudes dying, right? Well, what the fuck happens when you die? People, probably some of which you don't know, go through your shit. If your going to die a gangster, or gangsta (as some of you young folk call it), might as well die without a lot of non-gangster shit in your house. A dirty mag? Gangsters get to much pussy to have to rely on that shit. As far as the gerbal and the pudding, you figure it out. The punchline is that he forgot about the stupid shit on the ceiling...

  • onlinepredator December 28, 2007

    CSI is fuckin weird now

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