In a bizarre and almost unbelievable incident, a man's casual crossing of the street turned into a real-life human pinball game, leaving onlookers shocked and amazed. The chaotic scene unfol...In a bizarre and almost unbelievable incident, a man's casual crossing of the street turned into a real-life human pinball game, leaving onlookers shocked and amazed. The chaotic scene unfolded as an oblivious pedestrian, engrossed in his phone, collided with a passing car, propelling him into a whirlwind of unexpected adventure bouncing off one car directly into the window of another. Hope he's okay. Should look next time before crossing
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Yeah, just have him walk it off. Then have him do it again.
That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball......
Sir! Sir! You can't park... ahh never mind