I am so excited. The U.S. military has recently tested a brand new gun with with to blow shit up with. It's not going to be around till 2020 but it will eventually replace the 5 inch guns. T...I am so excited. The U.S. military has recently tested a brand new gun with with to blow shit up with. It's not going to be around till 2020 but it will eventually replace the 5 inch guns. The gun works on magnetic force to drive a projectile into whatever country we decide to liberate next.
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Kinetic Energy KICKS MOTHER FUCKING" ASS, BABY!!!!!! No more HE shell any more just a solid projectile MOTHER FUCKING" Reaching Mach 2+ speed hitting a target; Ground, Building, Bunker, ETC; the energy a lone from the speed meeting the target a MOTHER FUCKING" BOOM. A Small Nuclear like Blast wave MOTHER FUCKING" DESTROYS EVERYTHING IN A MILE TO TWO MILE RADIUS, BITCHES!!!!!
Fucking Americans
Kinetic Energy KICKS MOTHER FUCKING" ASS, BABY!!!!!! No more HE shell any more just a solid projectile MOTHER FUCKING" Reaching Mach 2+ speed hitting a target; Ground, Building, Bunker, ETC; the energy a lone from the speed meeting the target a MOTHER FUCKING" BOOM. A Small Nuclear like Blast wave MOTHER FUCKING" DESTROYS EVERYTHING IN A MILE TO TWO MILE RADIUS, BITCHES!!!!!
Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
Those who live by the railgun die by the railgun!