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  • mrcreosote September 26, 2023

    Weightlifting is for extremely smart people who are not at all retarded.

  • wild_snakes September 26, 2023

    Bro you need more roids and weight then your tendons won't snap!

  • broken_one September 26, 2023

    i tore a small section of right side center pectoral muscle once. it was no where near as bad as what happened to that guy. there was no 'pop' or anything it just tore away from the rib.

    when you take steroids for a while and build muscle quickly the connective tissues don't have a chance to keep up, and injuries like this happen. he's done for a while, i'd guess at least 2-4 months. and that injury is gonna show for the rest of his life. but on the bright side, maybe his heart will have a chance to heal up a bit.

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