ATV rider smashes into wall

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
24,331 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Gas powered vehicles can be really tricky. Especially once you start to lose control of them. Your trying to hang on but that actually makes you go faster.

  • commoneagle March 11, 2008

    naw that is bullshit there are many a human whose value negates such harsh actions... it would be like those god damed nazi tricks elstupidio

  • commoneagle March 11, 2008

    why can't you humans find something to do that doesn't burn fossel fuels... morons... we ought to annial eat the whole species.... repopulate it with a more worth being... sorry the english language is so weird i can't spell well.... imagine that...

  • commoneagle March 11, 2008

    that is a genuine whooooaaaa

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