Absinthe for hump day, Drunk Cops, and passed out drug dealers

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
41,353 Views 1 decade ago CRAZYSHIT PRODUCTIONS

There must be something in the air because people are passing out all over the place. Maybe it's got something to do with all the Absinthe that is going around. Either way you might wanna be... Show more

  • thoward March 15, 2008

    my wood has worms ????

  • 4kinghell March 13, 2008

    I think you should get naked for 'the week end review' and rub jelly all over yourselves, while suckling on a pigs teet. Either that or get hot naked chicks. I'll leave it up to you to decide.

  • killergerbil March 13, 2008

    for you all that dont know what True "Absinthe" is

    is a liqure that has had "Wormwood" soaking in it, Which causes use to trip ballz :P

    but sadly , since it is a drug/halo, the real stuff is illegal in all of North America ..

    to find true Absinthe.. u can find it over seas where its legal...

    the stuff u can find here is not the true stuff

    ...but if u r looking for a good drink simalur to Absinthe ,,Try looking up *Green Dragon*

    :P :P :P

    :P :P

    :P :P

    :P :P :P

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