Taser my foot

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
27,597 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Some methods of crowd control work better than others. When you don't have any sticks or tasers around a great way to make up for the lack of manpower is to kick people in the face. Works gr... Show more

  • thehoff May 29, 2008

    He got fucked up!

  • killercold March 27, 2008

    Whats this talk of compassion? Compassion will be the down fall of man, it is what is keeping us from further evolving, it is diluting our gene pool by letting all the filth of weaker indaviduals continue living. If we as a race are to stay on this planet we either need to kill off all the weaker men or some caticlismic event has to happen, forcing us to evolve or die off.

  • gdaddy30 March 26, 2008

    fuck stick time its all about the boot time

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