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globophobe User Avatar
7,501 Views 1 year ago User Submissions

You know and I know that if this had been one of sparkplugz' uploads this guy had been shoving it just up the asshole. Happy to disappoint.

  •   fiddledeedee December 2, 2023

    There was a show in tv years ago where people would switch partners for a few days to see how it would change their lives.

    One neatnik woman was paired with a French guy, who lived in a messy house. The woman arrived and was repulsed. There were dead bugs all over the kitchen and the dog had been rolling in shit and smelled terrible. She told the French guy, "First thing is that the dog needs a bath, right now."

    So they hose down the dog, soap him all up, then start scrubbing the dog with these striped towels. They spent some time scrubbing the dog's ass. This took considerable time, and it was a hot day.

    "The woman said, that's good enough," and rinsed the dog off. The French guy, clearly sweating from the work, started mopping his brow and wiped down his face with the towel they had scrubbed the dog's ass with.

  •   sparkplugz December 1, 2023

    Gay as fuck from a paranoid fag poster

  • barfshitsome December 1, 2023

    who the fuck gets an anonymous package in the mail and licks it... dumb as

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