Usually when you are going 60mph it's happening inside a car. These guys got the bright idea to pull a car seat behind the car while it's going at least 60 mph. I can only imagine what happe...Usually when you are going 60mph it's happening inside a car. These guys got the bright idea to pull a car seat behind the car while it's going at least 60 mph. I can only imagine what happens when the rope snaps and the following car can't stop in time.
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fucking french idiots.----[REPLY] It's German you idiot! They have some good Hip Hop over there in Southern Germany.... Reminds me of my Navy Dayz being stationed over ther in Ramstein! That's my other home!
German Rap???
What's fucking next??
Some crazy fucker taking over Europe while condemning Jews to death?
Early russian space training program.
2indastink wrote:
fucking french idiots.----[REPLY] It's German you idiot! They have some good Hip Hop over there in Southern Germany.... Reminds me of my Navy Dayz being stationed over ther in Ramstein! That's my other home!