Chechnyan insurgents blow the crap out of russian soldiers

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28,383 Views 1 decade ago War

If you didn't know Russians have problems with Muslims also. Their Muslim problems is a hell of a lot closer to them in a bordering area called Chechnya. Thankfully we won't have a war with ... Show more

  • sydfloyd April 8, 2008

    why the fuck do they always move the camera at the part that's the whole point of the video????

  • canidae April 7, 2008

    I wonder why a lot of you MF think, Chechenia is also a field of war against terror (whatever that means)!!! Bullshit!!! Smash your TV!!! Stop that indoctrination by your political leading class!!! It´s the same crap as the US-army does in Iraq. Russians want to have that huge mount of oil in this area. Nothing else. "terrorism" is their key to conquer a poor country for their own major company. Believe me!!! I´m closer than you are...

  • commoneagle April 7, 2008

    The new world order is going to erase many if not most or all borders with the power of a one world government.... don't think it ain't already happening... do your homework look at all angles factors and considerations of what is taking place now world wide and for the past 70 or so years and you will come to the same unavoidable conclusions... Any hope of doing something about it, on your own PEOPLE OF EARTH, is just fukin near done. Just as the Germans fell to the slick politics of Hitlers and his people's power the whole world is succumbing to the even bolder more sophisticated, knowledgeable, slick, deviant, crooked and evil bad dream that the world now faces. They got the world in a fish bowl and if you think (the/they) doesn't have a handle on it you are flat wrong... We the us that supposedly trust in god haha.... and the rest of you humans have a couple of choices... wake up and get the help of a Godspirit different than and religion has ever postulated and believe that we are not alone in the universe!!! Getting help from above so to speak.... which means get off you dumb asses and know that the/they (which people are so fond of referring to ones unknown) are extraterrestrials and those/they are here now and willing to help a PEACE LOVING HUMANITY or choose to die... in y/our own sewer of y/our own creation that will swallow us the ...US and the rest... all mankind up like big fucking tirds down the swirling cesspool of creation never to be heard from again. Call me crazy but I am one of them and say the truth!!! A reasonable gods honest truth that is hard to swallow!!! So be it if you choose to live you life in a darkness of you own foolishness with your fear overcoming your love, your desires overwhelming your intellect and behave as if you heads have a rightful place belonging in the sand never taking a stand for what you innately know is true for the safety of a blissfully ignorant life is no longer a viable option. Humanity is gravely in danger and has one foot in a grave that was dug out of its own egotistical ignorant vanity which told them long ago of their being the top of the food chain still believing you own manufactured lies .... you humans are beings of the night living in the day thinking freedom is something to be cherished above all else not knowing you were never free and never could have ever been free from your dependence on mother earth.... signed capt: Daniel Ataz Tamoltenhight aka commoneagle. May your rest be peaceful and you sleep make yo awake before the tide is too high and your will is denied once and for all Aman allmen all woment and children too.... signed flying man Dan... tell trucking man to take a stand and hear the words and tell Jay to stay awake and don't let fat boy sleep too long... 4 it won't be long b4 it is all gone Pooof the/they will take all the energy on earth use it to power their craft and so long dog gone they went and did it now... only the story will be sooooooo over for earth... sure I am crazy and they know it that is why I am called Captain Dan... from and formed by the Tamoltenhight tribe of 535 alive and all those movies have been inspired by us no not not the us of America the us of the/they... twist my words read my lips see my mind... it is all true if you can't see it now your will never see it... for the INTERNET has all the answers already up and in place all you need to do is your homework like I've been saying for two thousand fucking years.... damn it if I can't stop typing happens to me this automatic writing is a fuckin trip..

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