Another phenomenon of blacks, is not only their aberrant behavior but their tendency to mess things up. Call for whatever service and manage to screw things., should I for example call a bank on an issue and if I hear a black voice I hang up from them always fucking things up as high as 95% of the time. So it’s almost preternatural. They are bad luck. So therein goes their curse. When I see Trump with Scott and consider him as VP I say. , oh no, don’t do it Trump. It will ruin the movement.
Another phenomenon of blacks, is not only their aberrant behavior but their tendency to mess things up. Call for whatever service and manage to screw things., should I for example call a bank on an issue and if I hear a black voice I hang up from them always fucking things up as high as 95% of the time. So it’s almost preternatural. They are bad luck. So therein goes their curse. When I see Trump with Scott and consider him as VP I say. , oh no, don’t do it Trump. It will ruin the movement.
Same predictable behavior and screech , from coast to coast and now worldwide. Amazing
He doesn’t seem to realize he’s talking to brain who cannot register a thing he’s saying