One thing that people don't realize is all the stuff the military has laying around that is made to kill people sometimes malfunctions and hurts our own soldiers. This guy misfires the .50 c...One thing that people don't realize is all the stuff the military has laying around that is made to kill people sometimes malfunctions and hurts our own soldiers. This guy misfires the .50 cal and winds up blowing a hole in his leg. Thank god it could have been much worse.
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That piece of kit was definitely fucked up in some way. Normal procedure is nasty, dangerous bit goes out of the end you're not sat near. Have to say though, he looked really cool about it.
obvious we are trained to beat the taliban
That piece of kit was definitely fucked up in some way. Normal procedure is nasty, dangerous bit goes out of the end you're not sat near. Have to say though, he looked really cool about it.
I wish that was George Bush that got miss fired on. That cock sucking ape face son of a lame dick Texas bitch is the one that deserves the shit@