the Bridgeport Police Department Tactical Narcotics Team received information that an individual later identified as 41-year-olf Jonathan Mark Lewis Bell was in possession of weapons and nar...the Bridgeport Police Department Tactical Narcotics Team received information that an individual later identified as 41-year-olf Jonathan Mark Lewis Bell was in possession of weapons and narcotics and was driving around the Bridgeport area. The pursuit ended crashing into a residence.The female party was removed from the vehicle’s front passenger seat. Officers reported that Bell was reaching for an object and refusing to show his hands, at which point the three officers fired their handguns
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Dude was just trying to have a smoke.
>Be me
>Driving around
>Own drugs and guns
>Police try to arrest me for it
>Resist because what else do you do
> They drag my GF out of my car
>Shoot them because I actually like my GF
>Get shot
>Retards make fun of me on the internet
Nice little excitement.