Snoring during a fight

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
40,134 Views 1 decade ago Fights

The most rude thing you could ever possible do is to start sleeping during the middle of a fight. Some guy is sitting there kicking you in the head and all you can think to do is go to sleep... Show more

  • intellexicon August 25, 2008

    none of these fucking idiots were raised by decent parents who taught them right from wrong , or to treat others how you would like to be treated, sad to say but the overwhelming majority of kids these days aren't being taught basic common virtues & values that everyone in the human race ought to have mastered by 7-8 years old!!!

  • sgtmaddog July 10, 2008

    lay him on his side you dum ass rolling him on his back will make him swollow his toung

  • rodeye2 June 17, 2008

    Now get back across the border.

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