Of all the things to fuck up in your life jumping off a roof is by far the most painful How do I know this? Go try jumping off a couple stories and tell me how your ribcage feels when you ge...Of all the things to fuck up in your life jumping off a roof is by far the most painful How do I know this? Go try jumping off a couple stories and tell me how your ribcage feels when you get out of the coma.
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perfect way to kill urself lock urself in a freezer or just drive to a cliff and jump men do not fail when u know its being recorded and humiliate ursel so sik bastards like me can laugh at you!
perfect way to kill urself lock urself in a freezer or just drive to a cliff and jump men do not fail when u know its being recorded and humiliate ursel so sik bastards like me can laugh at you!
..i do all my own stunts
wrap it up and try again tomorrow.