He Killed Another Guy But No Footage Of That, Brazil : https://www.redmaule.com/policial/hombre-fue-asesinado-a-pesar-de-no-oponer-resistencia-en-barrio-yungay
above link was from a different post, this is the correct link : https://g1.globo.com/pi/piaui/noticia/2024/05/02/video-registra-duplo-homicidio-em-posto-de-combustiveis-no-pi-motorista-de-ambulancia-foi-morto-por-engano.ghtml
So he got up, shoveled his brains back in, then crawled back to the car?
above link was from a different post, this is the correct link : https://g1.globo.com/pi/piaui/noticia/2024/05/02/video-registra-duplo-homicidio-em-posto-de-combustiveis-no-pi-motorista-de-ambulancia-foi-morto-por-engano.ghtml
This is why you are becoming decadent, you don't study anymore, do you?
This happened in Mexico, it would be enough to read a little of the report, but I don't think you know what this is like anymore.