The touch of touch knockout

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
36,755 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

I always heard of some maneuver that could incapacitate you with just one touch and apparently it actually exists. Now all I need to do is find someone stupid enough to let me practice it on... Show more

  • potts April 6, 2013

    Neck, inside leg... Got it... Now where's my wife, i'm feeling horny..

  • chefcabbage August 13, 2008

    Sorry whookam, I'm still calling bullshit! This guy REALLY claims to be able to knock people out without touching them. Something about CHI power from the hands. He's got black belt dickheads paying $500 a month to "train" in his dojo, acting like they're getting knocked out. If you knew anything about getting knocked out, you'd know it is all about sudden blood pressure loss in the brain and not hitting nerves. And this guy claims he can make it happen through thin air? Fucking Bullshit!

  • whookam August 6, 2008

    No......its not fake, i was hit with a nerve strike like the one in the vid. Trust me it puts you to sleep, the trick is to hit 2 nerves at the same time, notice the inside kick to the calve leg. Their is a nerve on your calve muscle and on the side of the neck. That was a 2 nerve strike, if you hit 3 it can kill you.

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