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crazyshit User Avatar
38,801 Views 3 days ago Police

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office responded to an apartment to serve a felony warrant for 27-year-old Quanae Leasia Toussaint. Rather than surrendering to deputies, she locked herself i... Show more

  • bagpuss2021 2 hours ago

    No way you can carry off a name like that and claim you're innocent.

  • axn 10 hours ago

    "Quanae Leasia Toussaint".... That's some French Harry Potter bullshit spell if i ever did see one....

  • lucidrequiem July 2, 2024

    Seriously, wtf is wrong with black people, and why do they react so insanely to small animals? I have exclusively seen black people climb vehicles, run screaming, nearly jump in front of speeding vehicles, etc, etc to get away from dogs the size of poodles and i just don't understand it.

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