Jumping car stunt goes very wrong

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
20,164 Views 1 decade ago Funny

In the history of stupid ideas trying to jump over a moving car has to be the Relative Theory of stupidness and what you see here is the Albert Einstein of that theory getting annihilated by... Show more

  • gon_o_rea_drip August 26, 2008

    quick!Use the washer fluid before those buggy guts dry up.

  • rareranking August 25, 2008

    besides if you look at the clip dosent look like thats what happen, looks like some city workers and a moron just decided to speed up, the one man looks as if he has something wrong with his leg in the first place before he even gets hit, hes limping

  • rareranking August 25, 2008

    Somone forget to tell him that Cobie Bryant didnt really jump the car he was on the other side and when the car drove by he jumped in the air, goes to show you really have to say (dont try this at home) becuase you might get fucked up...

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