Lady gets demolished by taxi

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
22,129 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This lady has no idea that if you walk across the street directly in front of a car you will be transported to another dimension where all of your bones are broken. I know sucks right!

  • killtacular October 17, 2008

    Wow...I see lots of fucked up things here.. I see the taxi damn near break the poor bitch in half, and to top it off, the guy who walks up first seems more concerned about the dumbfuck behind the wheel of the taxi than the poor gal curled up in the street. lots of sheep walkin' by and watchin, hopin' they can see a mangled body show..and if you pay close attention to the bottom right of the screen, it looks like someone just took off with whatever it was she was carryin'!

  • venomx September 23, 2008

    Grand theft auto

    New york stories!

  • jgimages September 23, 2008

    chloe wrote "Its not lube - its oil...for the skin... .....yeap oil for the foreskin....gotta lube that baby up

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