Cop beats the shit out of suspect

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
28,728 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

If you talk enough shit to a cop you eventually bring on the wrath of god from a person that spends his entire day around the most annoying fucking people on the Earth. Don't say I didn't wa... Show more

  • eweblowme October 27, 2008

    shit happend 2 my uncle george, now hes a quadrapalegic, ges thats wat happens wen u mix alcahol w a big mouth and a group of pigs that think there above the law. fuk pigs. martial law bitches. w8 n c

  • willynilly September 30, 2008

    How come that cop took the nigga to his house and beat his ass in the garage?

  • bigspenda September 29, 2008

    why yall pale ppl be so raciest....yall just plain ignorant.

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