Do not disturb by punishment of knockout

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
35,299 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Whenever you wake someone up you are in danger of causing quite a ruckus if you don't do it the right way. When they start to walk away you might also want to keep your guard up.

  • neigh6orh60d March 24, 2009

    all craccerz do iz sniff coke n drink budweiser.

  • getsumklass January 3, 2009

    KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    KILL WHITEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • getsumklass January 3, 2009

    You would not hear the word Honkey come out of my mouth nosireebob but, cracka, pencil dick, red neck, sno bunny, Land theif,pale ass, frail ass, saltine,balongna wet dog smelling, flat ass, no rythm havin, wanna be black, water head, NEVER BE PRESIDENT AGAIN, I tan my skin to look mixed(1/2 blk), penis pump needin, ass, titties and lip implants so you can look more black. but yet you talk about blacks like you don't want to be identical. if you didn't you wouldn't go to the extremes you do to look,act,walk,talk and do the shit that we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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