Man finds a bear in his garage while charging his electric car and tries to shoo him off by clapping. Charging EV in the morning, good luck with office in time.
I was so hoping he would drive off still hooked up to the Electric Grid, You know the Electric Grid that uses tons and tons of Fossil Fuels to produce the electricity to charge you Green EV Car so you can do your useless little Virtue Signaling part in Saving the world. You stupid fucks!
Most canadian thing ever!
EVs, Because even bears know they're nothing but wankpanzers driven by Greta-loving lefties who bought into the lies.
I was so hoping he would drive off still hooked up to the Electric Grid, You know the Electric Grid that uses tons and tons of Fossil Fuels to produce the electricity to charge you Green EV Car so you can do your useless little Virtue Signaling part in Saving the world. You stupid fucks!