If you are on a patrol the easiest way to wake up is to have a vehicle explode into flames a couple feet in front of you subsequently causing you to drive through a massive fireball.
But i have to agree with what the fetus above said....Obama(and all presidents) have just become a mascot for the US!!! All the major decisions are made by Corporations, Congresses, Boards, and Special Interest Groups!! He only repesents this country...just like a mascot!!!
Check Engine Soon...what the fuck does that m...
My Datsun did the same thing, fucking jap cars
But i have to agree with what the fetus above said....Obama(and all presidents) have just become a mascot for the US!!! All the major decisions are made by Corporations, Congresses, Boards, and Special Interest Groups!! He only repesents this country...just like a mascot!!!