The giant beach ball drop

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
32,074 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

These people built an enormous fucking beach ball and dropped it off the roof of a building onto a waiting crowd. If you ask me those people on the ground are stupid and have a deathwish. Im... Show more

  • lick-yer-clit July 5, 2014

    disapointment comes in a lot ot historical reposts mind you americans dont have much history. but i love they way they celebrate the 4th of july, i mean its just a big ole party to remind them when immigrants took over a country they had no right to be in ,,,, gotta love em,

  • crzyshthntr November 11, 2008

    shouldn't these people be at work? Oh sorry Obama got elected so fuck it.

  • joecommonsense November 7, 2008

    nows not the time to argue about race, gays and the japanese. nows the time to pick pocket them stupid mother fuckers and grab ass the finest bitches looking up to the sky.

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