You would think if this lady was that bad at driving A. She wouldn't have a license and B. She wouldn't be driving the damn golf cart. Just remember on your way to work there is a shit ton o...You would think if this lady was that bad at driving A. She wouldn't have a license and B. She wouldn't be driving the damn golf cart. Just remember on your way to work there is a shit ton of dumb people like this out there waiting to kill you and that's why we should have a War on Bad Drivers.
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maybe she shouldnt have stuffed that whole sleeve of golf balls up her asshole,then shed be a little more comfortable driving a vehicle that tops out at 13 mph!
whats the big deal????? what, you guys have never been to golf coarse???
maybe she shouldnt have stuffed that whole sleeve of golf balls up her asshole,then shed be a little more comfortable driving a vehicle that tops out at 13 mph!
^^^^hahahahha. don't ever give an old person a universal remote control. in minutes it turns their brains into permanent mush.