Carmel Police Department received 911 calls, reporting a man, later identified as 27-year-old James Marshall, moving through the neighborhood dressed in tactical gear armed with pepper spray...Carmel Police Department received 911 calls, reporting a man, later identified as 27-year-old James Marshall, moving through the neighborhood dressed in tactical gear armed with pepper spray, a knife, a 3-foot-long crowbar, and what appeared to be a rifle. Officer Guevara, providing cover to Sgt. Maldonado, fired five shots in succession from his service pistol. No other lethal rounds were fired. Mortally wounded, Marshall continued to resist arrest and advanced towards the officers. Marshall was transported to NMC and was pronounced deceased.
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L0l the cop literally dumped a couple rounds in dude and proceeded to say I don't wanna shoot you.....But that cop had a itchy finger
I hope to be on this site one day.
What was that orange, do-nothing weapon?