CSA youth athlete loses leg in accident between bus and motorcycle on AL-101 Norte; another young man died https://g1.globo.com/al/alagoas/noticia/2024/12/16/atleta-da-base-do-csa-fica-ferid...CSA youth athlete loses leg in accident between bus and motorcycle on AL-101 Norte; another young man died https://g1.globo.com/al/alagoas/noticia/2024/12/16/atleta-da-base-do-csa-fica-ferido-em-acidente-entre-onibus-e-motocicleta-na-al-101-norte.ghtml
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They are going to dominate in the potato sack race...eventually.
no oky coky for them
too bad they both lost a left leg, otherwise they could have shared a pair of flip flops