Less than sneaky

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
97,411 Views 1 decade ago Commercials

Some things are more important than others and that's why you should always prioritize things. Say like answering the phone naked in front of your lovers husband. You might wanna let the voi... Show more

  • megatron2010 March 29, 2010

    fucking funny, when he say excuse me, rill

  • mylarjorgen December 17, 2008

    Pestongirl, Hi, I'm from Cambridge, that's about as Jolly English as one could get old girl. Any chance of a bit of Rrrrumpy-Pumpy? and like you so eloquently said my dear, "You gotta love the English"

    Marsape, Relax my friend, it's a old English custom. "Roger thy neighbour" it's called. I believe it is passed down from the ancient Druids. (Google Stonehenge, fucktards)

  • lordgenocyde December 17, 2008

    'Scuse me *closes closet door* LMAO Classic

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