Suzuki with underwater wheel drive

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24,575 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

This is a great invention for all those idiot who insist on driving around in a flood. With a car like this you won't ever have an excuse not to come to work. Besides killer bees.

  • wantedman January 10, 2009

    thats cool

  • mylarjorgen December 25, 2008

    I had a dog once that could do that.

  • joecommonsense December 24, 2008

    Hey man, i just like European better than american, if i could i would bring a SEAT Cordoba over here to the US, best car i ever drove. But they wont let Europe sell cars over here cause they would wipe the market out. I'm sorry man but thats just it, even European Fords would put Ford back on the map over here. And all the cars they try to Europeanize over here like the focus, Sx4, and Aveao nope aint got it right. Wait until the ford fiesta comes over, if they keep it the same and dont Americanize it, it will take off. Prediction number 1,249

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