G.I. Joe karate chop training

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
18,163 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

If you are gonna go to war with cobra you better know the secret karate chop to the back of the neck. Otherwise you are gonna have to shoot people in the head and that leaves a ton of bodies... Show more

  • carnutts4sure January 26, 2009

    yuri has it correct . You impact the side of the neck , not the back , just under the back of the ear and only with enough force to shock the nerves or you can easily kill the person . This is the reason Mike used the center of his arm which bent during the impact and not his hand . It takes a dumbass to stand there and take such a hit but at least he knows first hand what it feels like to be knocked clean the fuck out . His mom quit fucking Michael after that and started fucking the NIGGER next door that says he's good friends with Obama !

  • 1eyed1derworm January 24, 2009

    65 year old man + purple dress shirt + 2 weeks of karate classes = OWNED!

  • redcable January 24, 2009


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