Man get runover by train and lives

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
25,709 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Talk about some fucking luck. Guy is standing at a railroad tracks and some douchebag trucker decides to fail at beating a train and it sends the backend of the truck right over unsuspecting... Show more

  • mylarjorgen March 24, 2009

    I'm guessing that those two containers were full of angels with nothing much to do over the weekend who went out on the town and didn't want big G to know they were in an accident down here whilst sneaking back to Cloudy Town...........or maybe not.

  • joecommonsense March 6, 2009

    based on the speed of the truck, and its location of exit, and the distance the train was when the truck exited, the trains at fault on this one fellas. wow, a first.

  • joecommonsense March 6, 2009

    first thing you ask yourself, why was the guy standing so close to the tracks with the train going by? 2nd question, why would the trucker try to beat the train right smack dab in the middle of the truck? guess im the only one who notice the TRAIN WAS GOING BACKWARDS.

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