Wheelchair + Escalator = Death!

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50,113 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

If you don't feel sorry for this dude in the wheelchair your heart is most likely made out of coal ash that spilled out of the Tennessee valley. Wheelchairs and escalators don't mix to make ... Show more

  • amorphis September 12, 2012

    fucking ouch

  • cadavermaggot March 7, 2011

    baaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha and people wonder why these retards are in wheelchairs, for our amusement of course.

  • gr8ta1 March 1, 2011

    This is what it has come to? The Economy is so bad... his disability check's were gonna end the following week... so he staged this... if not... who the f$%k record's wheelchair'd people going down escalator's? But his first word's " F%$k Me"... umm you in a wheelchair for life... shoulda been "You Came?"

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