Another Brutal Brawl

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Matt G. User Avatar
Matt G.
45,800 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Why fight one on one when you can fight 50 on 50? Backyard brawling never gets old, so here's another video to add to the collection...

  • sincal559 February 23, 2010

    THese are organized soccer (futbol) hooligan fights. They put them on before soccer matches to try to stop the fights at the games. Get the hooligans from both sides and let them duke it out before hand....

  • clintonite December 30, 2009

    I've seen so many of these kind of fights but I never know why they are doing it. could someone please explain. Why? and what country? Russia?

  • ghost_mula_52 October 3, 2009


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