Locker Room Knockout

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Matt G. User Avatar
Matt G.
102,172 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Here's a simple rule when it comes to any sport...when in the locker room, don't fuck with your teammates if they can beat the shit out of you. Beating the other team is no longer fun, now i... Show more

  • cumminspower24 December 15, 2011

    it would have happened it just would have been a huge free for all instead of just two people

  • sikkntwisted83 November 1, 2011

    Fighting over who's baby it is! Pfff they can't even pay child support anyways...

  • zrotpar May 3, 2011

    That was so fake! Completely staged - you can see during the early struggle there was no actual hitting, and the "knockout" was set up. The knockee was standing there motionless for nearly 2 seconds waiting for the "punch".

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