If you try robbing this pharmacy all that will happen is you will end up running away like a little bitch because the store owner has a gun bigger than yours.
Understand that - universally - you are only justified to use deadly force when your opponent shows the ability, opportunity, and intent to immediately inflict serious bodily injury to you or those around you. dumping 5 rounds into a kid who is no longer a threat and unarmed ( at 0:47) is murder. and yes I am a gun owner. dont get me wrong i love it as much as all of you fuckers do, but is it worth going to prison for life like this poor sap will most likley end up doing? OH YEAH AND FIRST!!!!
that bangbro chic below the vid looks really hot!
Stick 'em up--oooops, nevermind.
Understand that - universally - you are only justified to use deadly force when your opponent shows the ability, opportunity, and intent to immediately inflict serious bodily injury to you or those around you. dumping 5 rounds into a kid who is no longer a threat and unarmed ( at 0:47) is murder. and yes I am a gun owner. dont get me wrong i love it as much as all of you fuckers do, but is it worth going to prison for life like this poor sap will most likley end up doing? OH YEAH AND FIRST!!!!