Drunk Fence Slam

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18,981 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Fucking awesome! You have to drink some serious vodka to talk someone into doing this. No way a sober person can talk another person into this unless alcohol is involved. Nighty night.

  • wisconsinjed February 10, 2011

    A couple of years after I graduated a player at one of the teams in our conference did this. Unfortunately he did it out of the anger of losing and instead of a fence, he did it to a locker and was an instant quadrapalegic. 17 years old when he did it and, if still living, has never moved any limb since.

  • briskman11 July 15, 2009

    "Your Honor, i would to enter :12 into evidence as Exhibit A in the case of Retard vs. Fence"

  • angelb July 14, 2009

    dang the first day poor little jim bob goes without his "special" helmet shit like this happens

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